Insightful & engaging individual wellness tools
Infused with the spirit of play

Manifesting a better future


Start With What You Know

Our path to innovation was sparked by the personal challenge of a family member's Parkinson's Disease diagnosis. Confronted with the harsh reality of escalating symptoms, we identified a significant gap in intuitive and effective digital support tools. Convinced that the potential for technological solutions was far from being fully realized, we set out to bridge this gap. Our initiative is deeply rooted in leveraging our firsthand experience to drive innovations beyond conventional approaches. This strategy imbues our work with deep personal insight and guides us in crafting impactful, empathetic solutions dedicated to improving wellness and quality of life for all.


Maximum Happiness

We embrace the uniqueness of every individual, rejecting the notion that "one size fits all." We believe that being "sick" or "old" should not necessarily redefine a person's identity or limit their potential. Our commitment to innovation is grounded in using technology safely and responsibly to push these boundaries and deny the status quo. Optimization begins with observation, which is how we strive to achieve maximum happiness. By observing limitations, we also open the door to transcending them. Through real-time feedback and the visualization of progress, we aim to enable each individual to see beyond their current capabilities and inspire continuous improvement.


Approach Every Problem With Wonder

We blend the power of technology with the transformative nature of art and design to create unique and effective user experiences. In this journey, we infuse a spirit of play into our work and products, believing that joy and engagement are fundamental to discovery and innovation. Our aim is to not only solve problems but to make the process of solution-finding delightful, turning everyday interactions into moments of fun and creativity. This approach underlines our belief that a playful heart is key to unlocking the most impactful and sustainable solutions.


People Before Profits

We chose to form a Benefit Corporation instead of a typical company structure because we believe that technology should be used to improve the human condition and promote unity by fostering community, collaboration and positive productive interactions. The power of technology is immeasurable. But the right path isn’t always the easy path, and just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Being a Benefit Corporation ensures that A Future Manifest will always adhere to this belief that profits should not be measured in dollars alone.
